We turn pollution into products.

We take captured CO2 and using our proprietary technology turn it into everyday products. See more by visiting Our Technology page.

Engineer stirring vat of synthetic paraffins.

Dimensional Energy has just participated in our first ground test with 100% e-fuel sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The fuel is a synthetic paraffinic kerosene that meets the ASTM D7566 specification. Based on data from our Tucson pilot plant and simulations, a recent third party LCA shows a 93% reduction in carbon intensity when compared to conventional Jet A.

E-fuels, the category of SAF that Dimensional is pioneering the production of, use carbon dioxide from industry and the atmosphere so do not pose some of the same risks as bio-based alternatives.

Engineer stirring vat of synthetic paraffins.

Dimensional Energy can remove nearly 8,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere with a product that fits into the palm of your hand.

Today, surf wax is made from fossil fuels that emit carbon dioxide and harm our environment. Dimensional Wax is a pure paraffin without the need for harmful processing. Our wax is specifically designed to degrade naturally and bring joy to people riding waves. Every bar of Dimensional Surf Wax is a step toward a just and circular economy.